Applied Numerical Methods With Python For Engineers And Scientists – Solucionario | Libro PDF

Applied Numerical Methods With Python For Engineers And Scientists PDF
Applied Numerical Methods With Python For Engineers And Scientists
Editorial – McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Edicion – Ed 1
Autores – David E. Clough y Steven C. Chapra
Formato – PDF | OnlineGratis

Libro Applied Numerical Methods With Python For Engineers And Scientists – PDF Gratis

Solucionario Applied Numerical Methods With Python For Engineers And Scientists – PDF

  1. Preface
  2. Part One. Modeling, Computers, and Error Analysis
    1. Chapter 1. Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods, and Problem Solving
    2. Chapter 2. Python Fundamentals
    3. Chapter 3. Programming in Python
    4. Chapter 4. Roundoff and Truncation Errors
  3. Part Two. Roots and Optimization
    1. Chapter 5. Roots: Bracketing Methods
    2. Chapter 6. Roots: Open Methods
    3. Chapter 7. Optimization
  4. Part Three. Linear Systems
    1. Chapter 8. Linear Algebraic Equations and Matrices
    2. Chapter 9. Gauss Elimination
    3. Chapter 10. LU Factorization
    4. Chapter 11. Matrix Inverse and Condition
    5. Chapter 12. Iterative Methods
    6. Chapter 13. Eigenvalues
  5. Part Four. Curve Fitting
    1. Chapter 14. Straight-Line Linear Regression
    2. Chapter 15. General Linear and Nonlinear Regression
    3. Chapter 16. Fourier Analysis
    4. Chapter 17. Polynomial Interpolation
    5. Chapter 18. Splines and Piecewise Interpolation
  6. Part Five. Integration and Differentiation
    1. Chapter 19. Numerical Integration Formulas
    2. Chapter 20. Numerical Integration of Functions
    3. Chapter 21. Numerical Differentiation
  7. Part Six. Ordinary Differential Equations
    1. Chapter 22. Initial-Value Problems
    2. Chapter 23. Adaptive Methods and Stiff Systems
    3. Chapter 24. Boundary-Value Problems
  8. Appendix A. Matplotlib
  9. Appendix B. Cubic spline smoothing
  10. Appendix C. Python built-in keywords: functions, methods, operators, types
  11. Appendix D. Python functions and scripts presented in the text
  12. Bibliography

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Este libro, escrito por David E. Clough y Steven C. Chapra, es una herramienta esencial para aquellos que buscan aprender sobre métodos numéricos aplicados a la ingeniería y la ciencia. Con su enfoque en Python, este libro es ideal para aquellos que buscan aprender a programar y aplicar sus conocimientos en la resolución de problemas.

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Recuerda que este libro es una herramienta valiosa para estudiantes y profesores por igual. Con su enfoque en Python, podrás aplicar tus conocimientos en la resolución de problemas en la ingeniería y la ciencia. ¡No esperes más y descarga el libro ahora mismo!