Solved Problems In Thermal And Magnetic Properties Of Materials – Solucionario | Libro PDF

Solved Problems In Thermal And Magnetic Properties Of Materials PDF
Solved Problems In Thermal And Magnetic Properties Of Materials
Editorial – García Maroto Editores
Edicion – Ed  1
Autores – José Luis Prieto Martín
Formato – PDF | OnlineGratis

Libro Solved Problems In Thermal And Magnetic Properties Of Materials – PDF Gratis

Solucionario Solved Problems In Thermal And Magnetic Properties Of Materials – PDF

  1. Thermal properties of materials
    • Kinetic Molecular Theory
    • Equipartition Theorem
    • Heat conduction. Steady state
    • Heat conduction. Unsteady state
    • Heat Capacity. Debye Theory
    • Thermal conductivity. Phononic transport
  2. Magnetic properties of materials
    • Introduction to magnetism
    • Magnetism in the matter
    • Magnetic anisotropy
    • Magnetic domains and domain walls
    • Magnetostriction and magnetization process
  3. Solutions to problems in thermal properties of materials
  4. Solutions to problems in magnetic properties of materials

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Este libro es una excelente herramienta para aquellos que buscan profundizar en el estudio de las propiedades térmicas y magnéticas de los materiales. Con su edición número 1, se ha convertido en una referencia en el campo de la física y la ingeniería.

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