College Physics 5Ed With an Integrated Approach to Forces and Kinematics – Solucionario | Libro PDF

College Physics 5Ed PDF
College Physics 5Ed
With an Integrated Approach to Forces and Kinematics
Editorial – McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Edicion – Ed  5
Autores – Alan Giambattista
Formato – PDF | OnlineGratis

Libro College Physics 5Ed With an Integrated Approach to Forces and Kinematics – PDF Gratis

Solucionario College Physics 5Ed With an Integrated Approach to Forces and Kinematics – PDF

  1. Preface
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. Chapter 1. Introduction
  4. PART ONE. Mechanics
    1. Chapter 2. Force
    2. Chapter 3. Acceleration and Newtons Second Law of Motion
    3. Chapter 4. Motion with Constant Acceleration
    4. Chapter 5. Circular Motion
    5. Chapter 6. Conservation of Energy
    6. Chapter 7. Linear Momentum
    7. Chapter 8. Torque and Angular Momentum
    8. Chapter 9. Fluids
    9. Chapter 10. Elasticity and Oscillations
    10. Chapter 11. Waves
    11. Chapter 12. Sound
  5. PART TWO. Thermal Physics
    1. Chapter 13. Temperature and the Ideal Gas
    2. Chapter 14. Heat
    3. Chapter 15. Thermodynamics
  6. PART THREE Electromagnetism
    1. Chapter 16. Electric Forces and Fields
    2. Chapter 17. Electric Potential
    3. Chapter 18. Electric Current and Circuits
    4. Chapter 19. Magnetic Forces and Fields
    5. Chapter 20. Electromagnetic Induction
    6. Chapter 21. Alternating Current
  7. PART FOUR Electromagnetic Waves and Optics
    1. Chapter 22. Electromagnetic Waves
    2. Chapter 23. Reflection and Refraction of Light
    3. Chapter 24. Optical Instruments
    4. Chapter 25. Interference and Diffraction
  8. PART FIVE Quantum and Particle Physics and Relativity
    1. Chapter 26. Relativity
    2. Chapter 27. Early Quantum Physics and the Photon
    3. Chapter 28. Quantum Physics
    4. Chapter 29. Nuclear Physics
    5. Chapter 30. Particle Physics
  9. Appendix A. Mathematics Review
  10. Appendix B. Reference Information
  11. Answers to Selected Questions and Problems

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Este libro es una herramienta fundamental para aquellos que desean profundizar en el estudio de la física universitaria. En él, se abordan temas como la cinemática, la dinámica, la energía, la termodinámica, la óptica y la física moderna, entre otros.

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