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Fundamentals Of Thermal-Fluid Sciences 6Ed PDF

Libro Fundamentals Of Thermal-Fluid Sciences 6Ed – PDF Gratis

Solucionario Fundamentals Of Thermal-Fluid Sciences 6Ed – PDF

  1. Preface
  2. Chapter 1. Introduction and overview
  3. Chapter 2. Basic concepts of thermodynamics
  4. Chapter 3. Energy, energy transfer, and general energy analysis
  5. Chapter 4. Properties of pure substances
  6. Chapter 5. Energy analysis of closed systems
  7. Chapter 6. Mass and energy analysis of control volumes
  8. Chapter 7. The second law of thermodynamics
  9. Chapter 8. Entropy
  10. Chapter 9. Power and refrigeration cycles
  11. Chapter 10. Introduction and properties of fluids
  12. Chapter 11. Fluid statics
  13. Chapter 12. Bernoulli and energy equations
  14. Chapter 13. Momentum analysis of flow systems
  15. Chapter 14. Internal flow
  16. Chapter 15. External flow: drag and lift
  17. Chapter 16. Mechanisms of heat transfer
  18. Chapter 17. Steady heat conduction
  19. Chapter 18. Transient heat conduction
  20. Chapter 19. Forced convection
  21. Chapter 20. Natural convection
  22. Chapter 21. Radiation heat transfer
  23. Chapter 22. Heat exchangers
  24. Appendix 1. Property tables and charts (si units)
  25. Appendix 2. Property tables and charts (english units)

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Este libro, publicado por la editorial McGraw-Hill Higher Education, es una herramienta fundamental para aquellos que buscan profundizar en los conceptos de las ciencias térmicas y fluidas. Escrito por los autores Afshin J. Ghajar, John M. Cimbala y Yunus A. Çengel, esta sexta edición es una actualización completa y detallada de las ediciones anteriores.

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